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2012-12-11 10:39:01�й��������� �����壺�� �� С��

IV. Washing and Eating �������ͽ�����

��1. Use soap to wash your hands. ������ϴ�֡�����2. Dry your hands with your towel. ��ë����ֲ��ɡ�����3. Please go to the toilet / bathroom, boys go first. �к���ȥϴ�ּ䡣����4. Turn the tap off, when you have down. ϴ���ֺ󣬰�ˮ��ͷ���ˡ�����5. Show me your hands, are they clean / dirty? ���ҿ�������ָɾ����� / ���𣿡���6. Are you thirsty? / Are you hungry? �����/ ����𣿡���7. Please take your cup. ������ı��ӡ�����8. Have some water. �ȵ�ˮ������9. It’s time for lunch. �緹ʱ�䵽�ˡ�����10. Don’t spill your foods on the table. ������ʳ�����������ϡ�����11. Please finish it. �������ꡣ����12. Would you like some rice or soup? ����ҪһЩ�׷�������������13. Do you want to more? ��Ҫ��һЩ�𣿡���14. Eat a little more. �ڶ��һ�㡣����15. Don’t play with your foods. ����ʳ�����16. Eat properly. �úóԡ�����17. Are you full? �����𣿡���18. Wipe your mouth. ���졣����19. Rinse out your mouth. ���ڡ�����20. Please keep the table clean. �뱣������ɾ�������21. Let’s go out for a walk. �����dz�ȥ���ߡ�����22. Is it delicious? ���ó���

V. Sleeping time and Tea time ��˯���������

1. It’s bed time. ��˯ʱ�䵽�ˡ�
����2. Take off your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes. ���·� / ���� / ���� / Ь��
����3. Fold up your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes. �����·� / ���� / ���ӣ��ź�Ь��
����4. Go to sleep. ˯����
����5. Close your eyes. ���ۡ�
����6. Cover yourself up. �Ǻñ��ӡ�
����7. Put hands into the quilt. ���ַŽ������
����8. Wake up. / get up. ���ѡ� / ������
����9. Put on your clothes. ���·���
����10. Dress yourself. �Լ����·�


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