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2012-12-11 10:39:01�й��������� �����壺�� �� С��

I. Reception��԰�Ӵ���

��1. Hi! / Hello! ��ã�����2. Good morning. ���Ϻá�����3. Hello, nice to meet you. / Nice to see you. ��ã�����������ˡ�����4. How are you? I am fine, thank you. ������Һܺã�лл������5. Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy. �������/�ְ�˵�ټ�������6. Come in, please. ���������7. Come on. / come here, please. �����������8. Take off your coat. �ѵ����ס�����9. Please put on your morning check- card. ��ѳ����ƴ��á�

II. Group Activity������

��1. Are you ready? ׼�������𣿡���2. Let’s start. �����ǿ�ʼ������3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me? ˭�ܸ����ң�˭�ܻش𣿡���4. Look at me. �����ҡ�����5. Look at the blackboard. ���ڰ塣����6. Be quite. / Keep quite. ���ְ���������7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. ���á�����8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. ���־����� / ���ַ��¡�����9. Stop talking. ��˵��������10. Is that clear? / Do you understand? �����ô���������𣿡���11. Read with me. ����һ���������12. Return to your seat. ����λ������13. Stand up. / Sit down. ���� / ���¡�����14. Listen carefully. ��ϸ��������15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music. ����˵ / �����֡�����16. Say it in English. ��Ӣ��˵������17. Do you know? ��֪����?����18. Let’s play a game. ������������Ϸ������19. Let’s write / draw something. ��������д��ʲ�� / ����ʲ�ᡣ����20. Let’s dancing / singing. �����������質�衣����21. Let’s listen to a story. �������������¡�����22. Let’s listen to the tape. ���������Ŵ�������23. Let’s watch TV / a play. �����ǿ����� / �����ݡ�����24. Let’s say it together. ������һ��˵������25. What did you hear? ������ʲ���ˣ�����26. Who has finished? ˭�����ˣ�����27. Who want to try? ˭�����ԣ�����28. How do you know? ������֪���ģ�����29. Which one do you like? ��ϲ����һ��������30. Put your hands on your knees. ���ַ���ϥ���ϡ�����31. Attention. ע�⡣����32. You are right. ������ȷ�ġ�����33. You are so good! ����������34. Paint it in red. ����Ϳ�ɺ�ɫ������35. Open / close your book, please. ��/ ��������顣����36. Don’t be afraid / shy. ���� / ���ߡ�

III. Outdoor Activity ������

��1. It’s time for morning exercises. ���ʱ�䵽�ˡ�����2. Let’s go out / outside. �����ǵ�����ȥ������3. Let’s go downstairs. �����ǵ�¥��ȥ������4. Let’s play on the ground. ������ȥ�ٳ����档����5. Line up. �Ŷӡ�����6. Two line. 2���ӡ�����7. At ease! / Attention. / Eyes front. / Hands down. ��Ϣ / ���� / ��ǰ�� / �ַ��¡���8. Let’s go. �������ߡ�����9. Stop. ͣ������10. Count off ����������11. Hurry up. ��㡣����12. Be careful. С�ġ�����13. One by one. һ������һ��������14. Be slowly�� take easy. ���㣬 ���ż�������15. Don’t move. �𶯡�����16. Let’s have a race. ��������������������17. Hand in hand. �����֡�����18. Make a circle. Χһ��Ȧ������19. Jump on one foot. ������������20. Fall in. / Fall out. ���ϡ�/ ��ɢ������21. Run. �ܡ�����22. Wonderful! / Great! ̫���ˣ�����23. You are the winner. ����ʤ���ߡ�����24. You are the first. ���ǵ�һ��������25. Are you tired? / Let’s have a rest. ��������/ ��������Ϣһ�¡�����26. Let’s go back to the classroom. �����ǻؽ��ҡ�����27. Don’t push other people / children. ���Ʊ��ˡ� / ���Ʊ��С���ѡ�����28. Stop pushing. ����������


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