李 云 龙
李云龙 男,1964年12月生,1993年毕业于中南工业大学,获博士学位。现任长沙大学党委副书记、副校长。
Abstract: Maria Montessori graduated from the University of Rome in 1896 and became the first woman Doctor of medicine in Italy. She was also a great teacher interested in childhood education. In 1909, she developed the so called“Montessori Method".In the United States, by the early 1990s, there were over four thousand Montessori Schools. Likewise, in Britain, French, India, Spain, Holland etc, the growth of interest in Montessori, has been rapid and continuous. This expansion will undoubtedly continue in the future because Montessori training programs have started up all over the world.
The essence of Montessori method can be summed as follows: a. All children have absorbent minds; b. All children have conscious minds; c. All children pass through sensitive periods; d. All children want to learn; e. All children learn through play/work; f. All children pass through several stages of development; g. All children want to be independent
Maria Montessori's educational philosophy of auto-education has been practiced by countless thousands of schools around the world for al-most a century now. Many public and private Montessori schools in the United States and around the world are successful in encouraging both social responsibility and independence of thought in children because these values are built into the structure of social relationships at schools, as well as integrated throughout the curriculum. My assumption about why Montessori education has been so enduring is that it always finds ways to meet the needs of children in every era and in every culture. And this ability to meet the needs of the children assures us that, if we are true to Montessori's method to follow the children, we will also be successful in meeting the needs of the children of this new 21st century.
玛丽亚•蒙台梭利(Maria Montessori) 1.870年出生于意大利的希亚拉法拉,她是一中产阶级家庭的独生女。1896年她毕业于罗马大学并成为意大利第一位女医学博士。她同时也是一位热心儿童教育的杰出教育家。当时,她尽其所能系统地查阅了先前200多年所有有关儿童教育方面的资料。在实践的基础上,于1909年创立了自己的“蒙台梭利教育法”。1952年逝于荷兰。在上个世纪60年代早期,蒙台梭利的教育思想在世界范围内复活流行,其影响一直持续至今。
蒙台梭利的教学法最早由其本人和《蒙台梭利教学法》的译者Anne George传到美国。在美国到上个世纪90年代初期已经有4000多所专门的蒙台梭利学校。与此同时,在英国、法国、印度、西班牙、荷兰等地的教师对蒙台梭利教育法的兴趣也是有增无减并持续快速增长。由于目前世界上许多国家都在开办蒙台梭利教育培训班,相信今后蒙氏的这种影响还会在世界范围内进一步扩大。